Friday, May 27, 2011

the push

Yes .. the bitch that betrays you when you need it most. I read in this photo post somewhere about the fears people have specially in there youth; so right when they should be telling the destiny to go f**k itself, they turn to reticence and plunge into melancholy. I'm not gonna analyze this whole ritual that some of us go through coz a) that'd be contradictory and b) its not worth anybody's time to dive into their past demons and try to make peace with them. I mean they're demon for god's sake, how could you as humans make peace with demons.. its all fundamentally wrong.... I think I'll just sign off with this short maxim

"To ponder in youth is to commit a sin against time and that never goes unpunished"

PS: play loud music if you want to play it that way ... coz if you stop nobody's gonna come up and thank you for it, they'd still hang on to bitching about you being an ex-loud music player.

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