Friday, November 30, 2007

It's Birthday and thus resolution time

Hi Reader !!
I would like to start with thanking you for I am sure you had better things to do. On my 20th birthday(today), I have decided to make a resolution that I am really gonna enjoy and that My Friend !! is Blogging....
Yes my dear friend !!!... they say you gotta be curious if you wanna learn but it just so happened in my case that when people around me started blogging, initially i felt very sad for them for I still don't appreciate the way people use computer these days simply forgetting that its just a machine and beyond which there is much more to learn, see, experience and feel.

As a matter of fact, the other day I finished season-2 of Two and A Hald Men and one particular episode really amused me quoting the fact how shameful it is for people to date online. Some argue that its most efficient wrt time this way but ironically, they spend way more time than two people ,meeting each other in public places.

I ,for one , have never really dated a gal except for this one time when a sweet little (short heighted) gal called me in the middle of the night and asked me whether I would like to talk to her. I,having my male parts totally working, had no reason to let her down. So time went by and I started calling her very often such that it once costed me 200/- INR in two days. That's when I decided to put this relationship on hold and go meet this girl in person. But as you would be expecting by now, she really turned out to be not-my-types gal and at the end of the day, using the same cellphone, I sent her a message which explained it all to her.

Anyways,we were on the resolution thing. So, my dear reader, you'd be surprised to know that I have already deleted my Orkut account which really feels good as if some fake part of my life has been just ripped off and I am back into the reality, atleast upto a certain level.

So, now the question remains....what good is it gonna bring me deleting my only connection with the society outside...??
well ....first of more worrying about those silly scraps you get everyday having an implicit message that you gotta send him/her a scrap back...
and secondly ..the most important of all the confidence build-up which I really need. My interaction with gals was pretty good in skool but we all lost touch for this so-called career thing and now we all are single ....donno much about the gals but pretty sure about us loosers cum boys............

so that's it for today.....may be next time I would be telling you a story about how I got in contact with ..... gal

bye for now ....[:P]......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure Arpita must have enjoyed every penny you spent on her. Though I don't get why you didn't delete your orkut profile in the first place!!!